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Solid wood furniture maintain humidity decrease cracking sofa clean material
In time: 2019-7-21 17:14:07   Click: 3025
       Nowadays, real wood furniture become more and more families "darling", however, many consumers only know real wood furniture of environmental protection advantage, but don't know much to real wood furniture maintenance knowledge.
       Solid wood furniture is affected by different climate does appear deformation and cracking phenomenon, which can be roughly divided into two kinds of circumstances: one kind is points seam (wood furniture) the cracks in the different parts joining together open fission is big, the other is a furniture surface cracking phenomenon. Country issued "wood furniture general technical conditions" have specific provision, points seam if less than or equal to 2 mm belongs to general defects, however, generally defects if more than 4, belong to the quality problem.
       Relevant personage introduces, high quality solid wood furniture weather-shack phenomenon seldom occurs, even if occasionally also don't have to worry about, because of big brand furniture has many years of warranty, life-long maintenance services, the ordinary small problem is very easy to fix, and simply can't see the trace of repair.
       Winter weather is dry, want to try to shorten the time of the open window, increasing indoor humidity, this not only is good for the owner of the physical and mental health, for the maintenance of solid wood furniture also has a great help. Many of the owners friends mistakenly think that winter ventilated can let indoor temperature drop, the cracking phenomena of wooden furniture also will be natural. In fact, the wooden furniture craze is the biggest cause of humidity, rather than temperature.
       Winter indoor air is very dry, plus the effect of heating and air conditioning, for the quality of the solid wood furniture is indeed a great test. Solid wood furniture, like a person's skin, when air extremely dry will lose water and automatic contraction, so that the surface appears a little crack. Therefore, when real wood furniture of choose and buy should pay attention to, take a closer look at the moisture content of furniture plate can be greatly reduced in the future using the chance of surface cracking in the process. Generally speaking, the moisture content of timber under 10% more adapt to the weather in the north.
       Sofa: material determine how clean
       Sofa has always been a "soul of the living room," said, the Spring Festival to the guest in the home, the first thing you see is the sofa of the sitting room. With the arrival of the Spring Festival, the material of sofa need to be taken care of. Expensive leather sofa must pay attention to the reasonable maintenance, so that we can make sofa look natural and greatly prolong the service life of sofa. Winter to keep indoor and ventilated, more attention to the change, the humidity is too dry or humidity can accelerate the ageing of leather. Dermal sofa must not be the place that can be placed in the sunshine point-blank, also do not put in the below the outlet of air conditioning, otherwise it will make leather harden, faded.
       Summer the body sweat more, sweat can be absorbed in the surface of leather sofa, small pore, winter heating indoor temperature rise will accelerate reaction of organic matter and leather sweat and odor. In polished leather sofa, not directly use alkaline cleaning fluid, because the leather in the leather usually acid treatment, alkali chemicals which resulted in the reduction of leather softness, knit crack can occur easily in the future. If is the new purchase of dermal sofa, with clear water, wet towel to wipe the dust on the surface of the sofa after twist dry, reoccupy care agent sofa surface gently with one or two times, in the form a layer of protective film on the surface of leather, dirt easy in-depth pores on the surface of the leather in the future, easy to clean.
       In the furniture market, cloth art sofa by rigorous structure, exquisite material, comfortable design, elegant originality, beautiful modelling is consumers of all ages. If the dirty cloth art sofa, long at home, how should the cleaning? Do not directly with plenty of water to clean clean cloth art sofa, in order to avoid water seeping into the sofa lining, cause deformation of frame wooden frame be affected with damp be affected with damp, fabrics shrink, affect the overall appearance of sofa modelling. If the stain cloth art sofa area is not large, you can use the cloth art goods or dedicated carpet cleaner, with a clean white cloth dips in a small amount of cleanser, in a dirty place repeat until remove stains. If there is a large area of besmirch, should ask professional cloth art sofa cleaning personnel to door-to-door service.
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